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Cheng, Chin-Hsiang

Cheng, Chin-Hsiang

Distinguished Professor

Group:Institute of Space Systems Engineering
TEL:06-2757575 ext. 63627


Website:Power Engine and Clean Energy Lab



Ph.D., Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tatung, Taiwan



1Specialities and Research Interests

Fuel Cells , Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Microactuators and Thermo-electric Devices , Stirling Engines ,Inverse Heat Transfer Theory , Optimization Algorithm , LCD/OLED Manufacturing Technology


1. Editorial Board Member, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics (2003-) 

2. Editorial Board Member, Int. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (2005-) 

3. Editorial Board Member, JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2006-) 

4. International Scientific Committee Member, The IASME/WSEAS International 
Conference on Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment 

5. Marquis Who'sWho in Science and Engineering (since 8th Edition); Marquis 
Who'sWho in Asia (since 1st Edition) ; Marquis Who'sWho in the World (since 24th 
Edition) — by Marquis Who'sWho. 

6. Dictionary of International Biography (since 31st Edition); 2000 Outstanding 
Scientists of the 21st Century (since 2005); International Biographical Centre Awards 
Roster of 2005 — by IBC, Cambridge, England. 

7. International Technical Journal Reviewer: 

a. Heat Transfer Engineering 
b. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 
c. Int. J. of Transport Phenomena 
d. ASME J. Heat Transfer 
e. ASME J. Electronic Packaging 
f. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A and Part B 
g. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 
h. Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer 
i. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 
j. Int. J. Rotating Machinery 
k. Int. J. Refrigeration 
l. iNEER Special Volumes: INNOVATIONS-World Innovations in 
Engineering Education and Research 
m. Applied Thermal Engineering 
n. Int. J. for Num. Methods in Fluids 

8. Invited Lecture: 

1) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, USA, August, 1993. 
Invited Lecture on「Mixed Convection in Developing Flow and Flow Reversal in a 
Rectangular, Vertical Duct with Unequally Heated IsothermalWalls」 

2) National Research Council (NRC), Vancouver, Canada, December, 2005. Invited 
Lecture on「PEM Fuel Cell Modeling and Optimization」 

3) Invited Plenary Speech at the 4th WSEAS International Conference on HEAT and MASS 
TRANSFER, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, January 17-19, 2007 
「Optimization of Key Parameters of PEM Fuel Cells by Inverse Heat Transfer Theory」