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Research Directions

Rocket Systems


Rocket systems can be divided into launch vehicles and attitude control systems. Regarding launch vehicles, emphasis is placed on liquid rocket technology, solid rocket booster technology, hybrid rocket technology, and other combustion propulsion technologies. For attitude control and orbital change systems, the focus is on single propulsion, dual propulsion, plasma propulsion, and related subsystem key technologies.

Satellite Systems


The development direction of satellite systems primarily focuses on low-orbit satellites, including low Earth orbit observation satellites, broadband low-orbit satellites, low-orbit navigation satellites, and satellite constellations. Subsystem development includes various engineering designs and applications for satellite system integration, subsystems, and satellite payloads.


Ground Systems


Ground systems development can be divided into two main areas: satellite ground stations, which mainly include uplink and downlink technologies, and hardware components such as satellite ground station architecture and equipment, including antenna systems and software-defined radio ground stations, for remote transmission reception and command transmission research and technology application integration. On the other hand, there are satellite launch stations, which involve hardware such as rocket launch sites, control interfaces, equipment, and quality assurance and safety inspection procedures for rocket subsystems.