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Li, Yueh-Heng (Zic)

Li, Yueh-Heng (Zic)


Group:Institute of Space Sytems Engineering
TEL:06-2757575 ext. 63632

Website:ZAP LAB



Ph.D., National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan 2008
M.S., National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
B.S., National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan


2020.8~Now: Associate Vice President for International Affairs, Office of International Affairs, NCKU.
2017.8~Now: Director of International Student Affairs Division, Office of International Affairs, NCKU.
2018~Now: Associate Professor, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, NCKU
2018~Now: Associate Professor, International Bachelor Degree Program on Energy, NCKU
2014~Now: Adjunct Assistant Researcher, Research Center for Energy Technology and Strategy, NCKU.
2014~Now: Commissioner of Finance Committee,The Combustion Institute of R.O.C.
2016~Now: Deputy Secretary-General,Aeronautics and Astronautics Society of R.O.C.
2016~Now: Editor,Journal of Sustainable Mining.
2017.2~2017.8: Director of International Relations Division, Office of International Affairs, NCKU.
2014~2018: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, NCKU
2013~2014: Assistant Researcher, Research Center for Energy Technology and Strategy, NCKU
2012~2013: Postdoctoral Researcher, Research Center for Energy Technology and Strategy, NCKU

1Specialities and Research Interests

Combustion Science and Heat Transfer (燃燒與熱傳)
Micro Power System (微動力系統)/ Micro Electric Propulsion System (微電能推進系統)
Bioenergy Utilization(生質能源利用)/ Combined Heat and Power System (熱電聯產)
Clean Fossil Fuel Combustion Technology (潔淨化石燃料燃燒科技)
Laser Diagnostics (雷射診測技術)


2017, 2019: Rising Star Award (Engineering College, NCKU)
2018: Excellence in Teaching and Tutoring, Dept. Aeronautics & Astronautics, NCKU
2016:Ta-You Wu Memorial Award (Ministry of Science and Technology)
2016: Excellent Junior Research Investigator Project, granted by Ministry of Science and Technology
2016: 2nd Place in Student Paper Competition Award - 洪靖茹, 26th National Conference on Combustion and Energy.
2013: Postdoctoral Scholar Research Award (National Science Council of Taiwan) 國科會博士後研究人員學術著作獎
2010: Outstanding Young Researcher Award (8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion)亞太燃燒研討會優秀青年學者
2006, 2007: Best Student Paper Award, Combustion Institute ROC.
2004: Grant Graduate Students Study Abroad Program (National Science Council of Taiwan)
2000: Outstanding Research Award, NSC College Student Research Project.

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